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Filtering by Tag: notes for the journey


liz lamoreux


july 4 heart

found heart along puget sound

a few people who have been inspiring me lately:

Jenna continues to share her stories about how roller derby makes her brave. This last one is so darn beautiful and true.

Andrea's words about how "we think we move through the world unseen" had me in tears of understanding. So thankful for this post.

Love how Effy came to realize that a small self-care move is enough. Yes, yes, yes! (And she shares a poem inspired by Poem It Out.)

Leonie's self-portraits are simply, profoundly taking my breath away each time I peek in to see what she has shared next.

Jen Louden's post about having lunch with your enemy is one I'm tucking away to read again and again throughout the next few months.

I'm seriously loving Gluten-Free Girl's first book right now. I love how this girl tells a story. And I have been reading her blog more often and am deeply inspired by her family. Here's a hint that you might want to know: It isn't just about being gluten-free. I'm not eating gluten-free right now, but the way she writes is infused with the senses in a way that pulls me in and invites me to want to get into the kitchen and then get out into the world and live.

As we get ready to "go back to school" around here in two weeks and find our way with a new schedule, I've been turning back to Amanda's ebook Zen & the Art of Being a Work-at-Home Mama. This book continues to remind me that I am not alone as I find my way with my family and my business. So thankful for the wisdom here.

What has you inspired over in your corner?


liz lamoreux

so this ruffle obsession, well, i am not kidding. i have been dreaming a bit about possible outfits (and then there is that ever-growing-in-the-middle-of-the-night pinterest board), so today, i "shopped" from my own closet and found some ruffles.

since i posted about my new journal last week, i have been thinking about how your comments and emails reminded me of how much we really just love to know how other people "do it." we sit in our homes around the world from one another, looking at these little boxes and connecting "through" them, and sometimes, it is simply fun to see a glimpse into the ways others live their day-to-day lives. like i would love to know more about your favorite shoes, the books on your bedside table, the way you organize your paper crafting supplies, what your go-to lunch is, where you get your sparkly eye make-up, and how you eat a double-stuff oreo. and if we met up for tea or you came over for lunch, we would share these things.

about a year ago, i mentioned that i wanted to blog more about a few different things, including clothes. but last year i didn't have a smash journal full of blog ideas and i wasn't reminding myself of all the things i wanted to do here in this space, so i didn't post about clothes or lots of other things i meant to. but today, i snapped this photo of this outfit that made me smile and just wanted to share it with you. 

as i was downloading the photo, i started thinking about how i wish i had a group of girlfriends here in my town who i went shopping with. a few girls who would share their go-to places for everything from dresses to yarn to spices. 

but here is the awesome thing: we have each other. (i mean you and me.)

so in case this ruffle-ized outfit that made me feel so happy today is your style, here is some info (and if you just want to let me know how you eat double-stuff oreas or tell me about your current favorite book and skip this part and just head to the comments, that is totally okay):

bloomers: these wide ruffle bloomers from sarah clemens in light brown stripe (looks like she might not have this color anymore, but she has a similar color in a grey stripe). i have quite a few items from sarah and her clothes are well made and adorable.

white layer: sundress from old navy. it actually even has spaghetti straps that tie but i never wear it alone. instead, i always wear it as a layer under something and kind of think of it like a petticoat or slip. (i bought it in three colors and i bet they will have a similar style in stock soon as they already have summer clothes in. this one would work as either this layer or the next.)

navy layer: dress from target several years ago (but it has so many holes in it and a bleach stain on the back that i have started wearing it as my painting "smock" at retreats. but decided to wear it today. i would really like to replace it with one like this from gaia conceptions on etsy. her clothes are wonderful and really well made.)

black layer: this crop top from treehouse 28. (here is the part where i tell you it has taken me several years to figure out how to wear this one with my shape [aka the size of my chest]. finally figured out that the top pairs really nicely with the empire waist items i have.)

scarf: scarf shop giant size in olive moss. martha's scarves are wonderful. so beautifully hand-dyed and so soft.

you can't see: the boots i've mentioned before and these fun (a bit over the knee) knee socks in plum from sock dreams (if you don't know sock dreams, stop everything and head over there. right now.). you also can't really see my favorite "nest builder" necklace by nina or my globe earrings by jen. and the camera strap that i have been using for year is by vmjess.

thank you for indulging me with this list. it is fun to share as though we are sitting at a coffee shop catching up.

tomorrow i am going to check in here about how things our going as we attempt to sit at the table for meals and i try to cook more. i am even going to share a recipe or two. one of them involved purple potatoes!

notes for the journey (october)

liz lamoreux

slowing down to notice . april in port townsend, wa

after teaching the creative self-care workshop yesterday (such a truly beautiful day spent with amazing women), i have been thinking about a few things that are inspiring my own creative self-care:

slowing down again and again and again to see the world around me. for a minute, for ten, for an afternoon if possible

ali's list of little things

jenna's alchemy daily: it starts tuesday, and it's a 30-day frolic of prompts, inspiration, and writing magic with juicy goodness arriving in your inbox each day. if you are thinking about blogging every day in november, this would be a good place to get some inspiration.

kristin noelle's words about "trust tending and the internet." such goodness here that i am soaking into me. (you, yes you, need this one.)

jen lee's self-care Rx list

kristen's truth about first "showing up" for herself.

rearranging the artwork in my home. (peeks can be seen here, here, here, and here)

creating soundtracks to my life: i am a bit late to the mumford and son's party (i know, i know), but their music is part of my current self-care soundtrack. a few projects on my list right now have me writing from the guts of me, in the best most healing way, but in the way that takes it out of you a bit. sigh no more is on repeat right now. and "the cave" has me knowing i am not alone while i want to almost scream these words as i jump up and down (but i am in a starbucks right now so i am just doing this in my mind as i tap my foot loudly.)


notes for the journey: beauty and truth

liz lamoreux

unexpected reflections . manzanita

kristin talks about using her camera to work through the personal, the real. (thank you for this post.)

jennifer's words at her new blog, lovely and imperfect, fill my heart with wonder and joy. she is a poet this one.

lately, the posts at roots of she have been taking my breath away. truths about grief and breaking the silence and letting ourselves shine. i am so glad that there is a home for these truths.

looking through the photos at the "i am beautiful" project has deeply inspired me.

and i can't wait to put up tiffany's "you are beautiful" print in my newly painted studio. yes. i had the joy of meeting miss crafty fanny at JOY, and she is a light in this world. you should connect with her if you haven't already. so glad i will be seeing her again in july when viv and i travel to the teahouse studio!

i hope your day is full of light and joy and that you are taking the time to breathe deeply and know you are loved.



notes for the journey: one lovely find

liz lamoreux



a few years ago, i started a series of posts called "notes for the journey." the posts usually include things like links to blog posts, photos, and other good things that are inspiring me. my plan is to post these types of posts more often and broaden the topics to include etsy finds, tools i use in my world and other resources, books i am reading, inspiration from the world of living with ellie jane, and even some posts about clothing. (yes. clothing. i have been getting a few emails lately about clothes for curvier women and i would love to share some of my favorite handmade clothing designers [who make custom sizes!], shops, and other finds with you.)

today, i am starting with my new favorite boots. 

you might remember this post from november. in that post, i talked about how i had found a pair of knee-high boots that actually fit me. and invited me to feel just a bit sexy (most days, that sexy feeling feels beyond out of reach so i can use all the help i can get). several people wrote me wondering about those boots. and i love my riekers.

when shopping the after-Christmas sales with my stepmom, we found a pair that is a bit more versatile and even more comfortable and in an even better color for the skirts i like to wear (and i was lucky enough to receive them as an after-Christmas gift).


these ecco boots are a similar style to the other pair i have, but something about them just makes me feel like my most kick-ass, superhero self. and the color just goes with everything (the pacific northwest clouds didn't help me capture the color. they are a dark kind of milk chocolate brown suede). they are a bit pricey, but i think the cost is worth it because i see myself wearing them almost all-year round (as boots can be worn in july some days in the seattle area).

here is one key thing i have found with boots that work for me: they have buckles on the sides and extra stretch (called goring) beneath these buckles. (and a little secret they told me at nordstrom: if you find a pair you are in love with that don't quite fit, they will send them to a cobbler who will stretch them for you. you might even have one in your town who will do this.)

something tells me that adventures are to come when i wear these boots...


thank you for sharing pieces of yourselves and your stories in the comments of my previous post. today, as i read your comments, i scooped up your words and blew them to the candle all my altar, asking the universe to gently hold these truths. thank you for getting it and for holding my stories. i am going to share more about each of the items on yesterday's list (starting off lightly with this post about boots) over the next few weeks. sending love and light to you in your corner of the world...

notes for the journey. invitations of inspiration.

liz lamoreux

leg warmers + flip flops on the 4th of july


i have been peeking my head out into blogworld and even into the "real" world every now and then, and i have come across a few things that invited me to want to do, create, play, and open up:

elizabeth's postcard project

kristen's new project exquisite corpse collective (and her new digs in the violet hour)

mati's painting a day

betsy snyder's book Haiku Baby(a present from viv. we. love. this. book). betsy has a blog and the book even has its own adorable site.

maddie's videos invite me to get out my flip and capture the world around me. love the whimsy and poetry of the little film in this post. and the light captured in this one makes me a bit weak in the knees (in the best of ways). can't wait until this fall when maddie teaches at reveal.

kate's words at the wishstudio about living from your whole body

(oh and just in case you need a little sixty seconds of cute...you can find miss ellie in moving pictures here)

PS a big thank you to all my guest bloggers who stepped in to share inspiration while i took a bit of a maternity leave from this space. their posts will fill up your soul's well, so if you haven't already, please read them all here.

notes for the journey. on a day in may.

liz lamoreux


a little glimpse into a april afternoon with viv (polaroid by viv)

i have been quiet over here. i think it is because i have entered that "whoa, it is getting difficult to get comfortable" stage of things, and resting whenever possible (i.e. not multi-tasking) is where i am trying to dwell. but there is quite a bit to finish in these three weeks before she arrives. we are working on the nursery (but have let go of the need for perfection before she gets here). i am finishing up some more book edits (please let me not be working on them while hanging out in the hospital). i am working on some new pages and other fun things for the be present retreats site, and i am indeed hoping to have the fall retreat information up very soon. and there is that thanks for hanging in there with me (and stopping by to say hello). 

oh and happy mother's day! my sweet husband baked me a cake yesterday to celebrate my first mother's day, but alas there was an accident in the kitchen that created little shards of glass everywhere last evening and a few found there way to the top of the cake. always something. i think there is a plan to make another cake today, but really, it is the thought that counts in this case. it is a beautiful thing to be gently pushed to know that i am indeed already a mama...

and the "nesting thing"...hmm...i suppose it is showing up in little bursts now and then. saturday, i made a quilt top (and i am determined to finish it this week) for the little one's room, along with a patchworked "dresser scarf" that makes me smile. i really do love the rhythm of patchwork.

okay, enough babble, here are a few ponderings and wanderings for you to explore and think about in your own quiet moments...

leah's thank you notes are simply fantastic (via susannah).

danielle's new spot in blog world (and her etsy shop) make me smile.

mindy's birds (and other creations) are full of such whimsy, color, and joy.full.ness (this one will be hanging in the little one's room).

jon and i received this brilliant "baby" book by artist nikki mcclure. we hope to fill out a few pages during those early moments of "do you think i really am in labor?" when we are on the cusp of the adventure that is to come...

mary ann's blog, dispatch from la, is a current favorite. i hope to take her remains of the day workshop later this year. such goodness here.

even though insomnia (and not being able to get comfortable in bed) is not my favorite part of this day, there is something really beautiful about being awake when the birds first start singing there song to welcome the sun. yes. beautiful.

lately, when my mind turns to something that currently has me perplexed and more than a bit sad, i have inhaled deeply and felt my feet under me to know that i am grounded and then exhaled with an image of compassion and love finding its way to all the corners that need light. it helps a bit.

spring brings {notes for the journey}

liz lamoreux

i sometimes am in awe of all that spring can bring. i whisper to myself spring shall return on days when the grey sky mirrors my thoughts...whether that might be a day in october or june or february. it is a persistent truth in our lives: the grey will give way to the light and color. it is a gift we cannot ignore even when we close our eyes to it.

during the last few weeks, a few words and photos have walked across my path that have spoken to this truth that rests inside me. here are a few for you to explore:

vivienne talks about the intense and the soft.

a mermaid shares the truth about being open.

survarna captured the beginnings of blooms.

jenna invites us to take in a springtime blessing.

maddie gently reminds that spring has returned.

meri muses about reality.

darlene gives us the gift of light and shadow.

(thank you to each of you for sharing your light)