Books — Liz Lamoreux

The next round of Five Things begins February 1! Click here for more information and to register.


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Inner Excavation

In Inner Excavation: Explore Your Self Through Photography, Poetry, and Mixed Media (North Light Books, 2010), I gathered up many of my favorite ways to unearth pieces of our stories using the mediums of poetry, photography, and mixed media. These are the prompts I turn to again and again as I try to make sense of this crazy, beautiful life I’m living.

And here’s want I want you to know: This book is really about using self-portraits to tell your story.

Through the prompts and examples in this book, you will be inspired to take photos of the everyday beauty around you (and even turn the camera on yourself), find the poet inside you, play with the art supplies you probably already have in your home, and take time to seek stillness in your daily life.

Most importantly, you will explore new ways to get to know the one person who knows you best of all: You.



Being Seen: A Mirror Meditation Journal

Being Seen guides you through 30 days of experiencing the one practice that I believe can profoundly change your life and the way you feel about you: the mirror meditation. In simple terms, this meditation is looking at yourself in the mirror for a few moments each day. This journal helps you move from a place of “Wait, what? Look at myself in the mirror” to a beautiful practice that helps you cultivate and deepen your inner voice and relationship with yourself.



Five Days in April: A Poetry Collection

Five Days in April Poetry Collection is full of 20 poems for the times when your own words fail you. These are poems for the moments that leave you wondering if you're alone, in the missing and the hoping, in the falling apart and putting the pieces back together.



In This Moment: Field Journal and Photo Album

In This Moment is a beautiful journal you can fill with the photos and words that tell the story of where you are right now. It is your reminder to see and to notice, to root yourself deeply in the beauty of your everyday life (even on the messy, rainy, tough days). The prompts throughout the journal give you a place to begin, and they’re ones you can turn to again and again. There are also blanks pages for you to come up with your own prompts and ideas. In This Moment really is a mindfulness meets photography course that arrives in your mailbox. You can actually hold it in your hands so it doesn't get lost in your inbox.