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a tag

liz lamoreux

acumamakiki tagged me to share five weird things about me. here goes:

1) I usually hate how my hair looks, but my friends often tell me that they wish they had hair like mine.
2) I have the smallest baby toenail you have ever seen. When I get a pedicure, the pedicurist has to basically paint it on (though she says she has seen smaller).
3) When I was a kid, I used to "cook" by mixing cheerios, honey, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and raisins in a bowl. Oh and I would eat it. And now, when sometimes when people ask me "what would you like to eat?" I think about this concoction and wish I could have some of it again.
4) I have a very low self-esteem when it comes to how I look, but I have chosen to teach yoga. For 3-7 hours a week a room full of people stare at my body and how it moves. And when I am teaching, I never think about how I look, but before class and after class it is at the forefront of my mind.
5) I flunked chemistry in college. F. And then I married a science teacher.

I would like to tag Yankee Belle, Bella, Frankie and beansprout - I think they would each add their own special brand of humor and insight into such a list.