seven happy things about this day (alternatively: a post written when i should have already been sleeping)
liz lamoreux
the new themes on gmail. yep. love it. tea house. little red panda (or that is what i think he is) keeps me company all day. (he also keeps me company on igoogle.)*
a friend bringing top pot doughnuts for us to sneak into the 10:30AM showing of this.**
taking a short nap all curled up with millie and jonny.
turning dad's old ties into flower pins for my booth at UCC.
clean laundry.
taking more small steps to cleaning this darn house.
remembering to write this blog post before going to sleep.
*if this means nothing to you, never fear, it is a google/gmail thing. this is how i feel when people speak twitter.
**i mean, what else would two grown women who were roommates at boarding school go and see at the theatre before noon?***
***as the credits rolled, we both admitted that we think we were 15+ years too old for this movie...hard to explain how something that seemed romantic can come across as almost funny, but it did. throughout the entire thing really...though, i did enjoy the it overall. ****
****but i think i even enjoyed the preview for this more.*****
*****which makes me think i will probably be watching this****** tomorrow while sewing and sewing and sewing.
******for like the nineteenth time. seriously, i cannot stop watching this movie. i might have watched it as many times as you've got mail and that is really saying something*******
*******though this is the movie i have seen most of all. my mom and i watched a "taped off of channel nine" version of that movie a trillion times when i was a kid. no kidding. a trillion. at least.
(signing off now. going to sleep. for real. smooches.)