notes for the journey {5.27.09}
liz lamoreux
day three of being back home in washington, and i am mending. still exhausted with a voice that isn't quite 100% and a cough that wants to hang around and a body insisting on east coast time, but i am mending.
i am leaning back toward me.
getting sick sometimes pushes moments of reflection in as the quiet of hours resting will do. my brain isn't racing as usual, so i am not being forced to keep up with myself i guess. and, as this slowing down forces more breathing (to, at times, literally relax enough to find my breath) and less doing/brainstorming/plotting/dreaming/creating, i have had several whispered reminders of what is important...whispered reminders of what i want to surround myself with in this life...of where i want to be when i look up from my are a few:
be gentle: maya stein's "instructions upon waking" deeply spoke to me earlier this month. i read it again today for a much-needed breath of truth.
dare to wish: jen gray's whirlwish video has filled up my soul since yesterday evening when jonny and i sat together and watched it several times. so much goodness here.
create the happy: this peek into elsie's studio makes me grin.
surround yourself with lovely: this "floral lineup" photo on oh joy! made me inhale deeply. love the simple, intriguing white vases with the gorgeous summery blooms. (oh joy! is full of eye-candy inspiration daily...loving this blog).
do what you love: geek girl's clementines in the sun photo series (i want to reach through the screen and eat one); this girl is making it happen with her camera.
be present: karen's mindful day post. i didn't keep up with many blogs while i was dozing on a couch in indiana last week, but i read karen's daily. she simply gets it.
bring in the joy: dancing mermaid's make your life beautiful video has me thinking about simple acts of joy that can make a life more fully lived.
find the gratitude: ali's so very thankful post makes me think of possibility and love. such beauty here.
this morning, visiting all these sites again, i wish i could invite these women for tea today. we could all wear pajamas and eat strawberries and talk about what we know to be real and true. yes. i wish i could invite you, yes you, to come over for tea today. we could remind one another that we already know what we want to surround ourselves with in this life. we could remind each other that we just need to look up now and then and breathe it all in. we could remind each other that we already know; we just need to sometimes sit in the quiet to hear the answers that whisper within...
i wish you could come over for tea today...i wish for you that you will remember...