an intention to guide you — Liz Lamoreux

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an intention to guide you

liz lamoreux

In November, the idea came to me to offer an intention necklace in the shop - something for the person who likes the idea behind choosing a "word of the year" but doesn't want to choose one or one hasn't presented itself yet or something for the person who just needs some extra reinforcements any time of year. I wanted the gemstones to represent several different types of journeys a person might be on right now, while inviting in strong guidance and support. I also knew I'd be creating a special mantra with each stone, so I wanted stones that felt ready for that kind of goodness.

So when Bonnie and I went to the gem show in late November, we were looking for gorgeous, unique stones that really seemed to hold the magic of this idea.

Here's what we found:

Aquamarine: For courage, growing trust, and connection to the sea. 
Your aquamarine mantra for the year: May I listen to the brave wisdom within me and open my heart toward the peace that awaits.

Rose quartz: A stone of the heart.
Your rose quartz mantra of the year: May I feel supported as I open my heart toward self-compassion and love.

Kyanite: A stone for speaking your truth, it is deep blue in color.  
Your kyanite mantra for the year: May I connect to the wisdom and courage within me and tell my story.

Moonstone: A stone for beginnings and connecting to your light and to the divine feminine. The stone used in this offering is cloudy white in color and sparkles in certain light. 
Your moonstone mantra for the year: May I seek the stillness I need to connect with the light within me.

Amazonite: A stone of courage and truth that soothes the spirit. 
Your amazonite mantra for the year: May I remember to show up as me and let go of what I no longer need.

Amethyst: A stone for comfort, peace, and becoming.
Your amethyst mantra for the year: May I embrace my journey of becoming and remember to seek and ask for the comfort and support I need.

You can find this limited edition offering right here. You choose the gemstone that represents the intention you'd like to hold at this time in your journey, and I'll choose one just for you from the olive wood bowl that holds them on my studio altar. We also include a little card with your stone's intention and mantra.

And if you're looking for an even more personal experience and special necklace designed just for you, check out the Soul Talisman offering to see if it feels like a good fit for you. I can even include your word of the year with that special offering.