clementines and instax photos (and other really good things) — Liz Lamoreux

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clementines and instax photos (and other really good things)

liz lamoreux

1) clementines. these little babies from trader joes make me smile every time i look at them waiting patiently in our vintage-inspired jadeite bowl. ellie and i shared four in a row friday evening. after taking her first bite i asked her, "what do you think?" "good!" she said as she reached for more. we are going to go through the whole bag this weekend.

2) ruffles + layers + a bit of lace...i am obsessed. obsessed in an i am using ruffle-ize as a verb sort of obsessed. and you can see evidence of this obsession over on pinterest. (not kidding. not even a little bit kidding.)

3) this post by elise about why "choose" is her one little word. (deeply inspired by this story as "choose love" is one of my current mantras.)

4) the instax mini is making me so so happy. the little photos are the perfect size to slip into the small pockets in my Project Life album. there is a bit of a learning curve in the winter when there isn't great light but i am giving myself permission to see each photo as an exercise in play. and i am so enjoying taking self-portraits with it that i can imagine an entire project around instax self-portraits. one observation: i had the camera outside when it was in the 30s and the photos seemed to really have trouble developing. (i've been told this is common with polaroids.) so i quickly put the photos in my pocket and my body heat seemed to help.

5) Alicia and Anna Maria have me dreaming about weekends spent by the fire with a needle and thread creating something gorgeous with embroidery or counting cross stitch. and it would be snowing out. and i would be wearing ruffles. and ellie would be contently playing and giggling and dancing. and jon and millie would be napping. and i think soup simmering on the stove would probably be involved. yes. that sounds like perfection. i have Alicia's Daisychain ABC's Sampler and I think it will be a good place to start. but first i have to finish that granny square scarf. yes. i must must do that first. (oh and have you seen anna maria's rugs? her fabric is always a favorite of mine...and now the patterns come in rugs? adore. big.)

hope your weekend has been full of many good things (and rest).

sending light and blessings across the miles,
