practicing self-care even in the summer
liz lamoreux
Over here, we're navigating that slide toward the end of the school year. Because Jon's a teacher and Ellie is now in school full-time, our lives revolve around the school schedule, which I'm sure many of you can relate to.
And here's the truth: I'm so used to my schedule as I work from home during the day that I've been known to dread summer a bit.
I mean I love summer. And of course I love my family.
But they are both home. 24-7. Okay not always 24-7 but I've found it very hard to create a schedule for all of us that works.
Maybe because I don't really create one.
(This is turning into true confessions.)
And although there are many beautiful, fun, love-filled moments as a family in the summer, there's also the reality that: Mama needs to work!
As I continue to look for ways to build my own bridge between the everyday stuff and more really really good days, I'm thinking about how this summer can feel different for all of us.
And one huge piece stands out to me: Not only do I need to simply sit down with Jon and look at the calendar and think about how to shift my work schedule, I also have to restructure my own self-care.
This means making a list of self-care moves that will support me (and my family) this summer. For example:
- Pausing to just notice and seeking beauty in the inbetween spaces.
- Taking those five deep breaths.
- Asking for what I need (for real...instead of resenting that someone isn't reading my mind).
- Scheduling in rest and quiet time in our days.
- Identifying little things that bring me joy this time of year and making them happen (watercolor picnics! painted toenails! flowers in pots outside! lazy days in the backyard on quilts!).
- Creating an updated family self-care journal.
- And taking time to add and subtract things from this list to make self-care really manageable for myself this summer.
If you'd like support in figuring out the self-care practices that you need this summer, come along to Water Your Mama Soul, my ongoing 10-day ecourse for women who are ready to take time for themselves so they can be even more present to their loved ones and their life.
This can be the summer you remember you even as you experience carpooling to camp and family reunions and weddings and hot hot hot days and siblings together all.the.time. and how the list goes on.
This can be the summer where you look at yourself in the mirror and say, "You got this kid."
This can be the summer where you create space for more joy and more ease.
Yes. Yes. Yes.