seeking shadows — Liz Lamoreux

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seeking shadows

liz lamoreux

Over here, we've been playing with finding our shadow selves. Toward dinner time, the sun hits the front steps just right and really long, tall shadows appear.

It is awesome. Like "look at those shadow pigtails" awesome.

Ellie is super excited to look for her shadow whenever we are outside, and her physics teacher daddy is thrilled to talk to her about how and why shadows appear.

I just like to play with different poses and then try to capture them with my camera.

An Invitation

In my book Inner Excavation, we spend some time unearthing our shadows and finding our reflections in photography, poetry, and mixed-media self-portraits. Playing with our shadows can gently push us to notice where we are, it can ground us, and it can reveal pieces of ourselves that we've been ignoring or want to know more about.

Spend some time seeking your shadow self this week. Notice how it changes throughout the day depending on where the sun is. Maybe even write a poem about "what your shadow says." 


I'm truly over-the-moon delighted that artist and beautiful soul Effy Wild has put a call out to have others join her for a read along of Inner Excavation through the Inner Excavate-along. Last year, I led a group through a free seven-week read-along of my book, and the content has been available on my website ever since. Now you can join a group in going through it this summer! 

The group is starting June 24 and you can find out all the details here. This would be a beautiful way to open yourself to creative connection this summer. Let me know if you join in! I'll be part of Effy's Facebook group and will be peeking in throughout the summer.

You can buy an autographed copy, complete with special note to you, in my shop here.