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Filtering by Tag: from here

a bit from here

liz lamoreux

pausing in my favorite coffee shop near the market

a list of here:

hearing the keys tap and letters click poem notes onto vintage ledger paper.

gathering so much goodness to take with me across the miles to a favorite little town where i will sit surrounded by women ready to dive in and unearth their stories. yes.

smiling as i think about a couple of conversations this week that were lanterns on my path.  

filling my little list of etsy orders before i head to the midwest monday. i have now had more sales this year than all previous years of the shop combined. wow. thank you big for supporting my shop and for deeply getting the stories i am telling with these talismans. (i will be gone for two weeks so any new orders will ship the week of may 24.)

laughing as i watch ellie find something she wants across the room and then move herself so very quickly as she crawls to get it. she sleeps in child's pose now and i think it is because she wants to be ready to be on the move as soon as her eyes open.

remembering that the only way to teach what i know is to live what i know. 

dispatch from the studio annex

liz lamoreux

Studio Annex

click the photo to head to flickr and read a whole lot of notes about what you see here

sunday evening dispatch:
listening to the weepies station on pandora
watching ellie jane grow more each day
putting big (BIG!) dreams out into the universe
deciding to just let it go (and choose laughter)
pretending i know what i am doing
believing it will all unfold as it should
seeking elves or other magical creatures to help in the studio
counting down the days until pen & paper  
sincerely working on the midwest inner excavation retreat (hope to post info tomorrow) 
owning the this truth: there are only so many hours in the day
feeling grateful for new friendships
loving my new iphone and the quick, easy, fantastic camera option it gives me
giving myself the space to feel the joy and the fear and the bravery and the love

how are things in your corner of the world?

thoughts from here (november 25)

liz lamoreux

this day (november 25) from liz lamoreux on Vimeo.

a few thoughts on this snowy, cold still in my pajamas at 1 PM thanksgiving day.

(and yes, i did decide to leave that little outtake in from the beginning of the video. me laughing at myself makes me laugh each time...and those of you who know me will laugh along with me i think.)

sending you and yours blessings and light on this day...
