week in the life {thursday}
liz lamoreux
notes from today:
paying attention to the light is changing how i take photos.
i wish i could work from my bed every morning
beginning and ending the day with mary oliver heals me
ellie jane's joyful way of living pushes me to let go
this week, i am joining in with ali edwards' week in the life project. i took quite a few photos yesterday but most of them were of ellie while she was walking, exploring, eating, and so on, which meant quite a few photos of the same scene and many blurry because she is so on.the.move. mostly i was distracted by work/life stuff yesterday and forgot to take photos. but the photos i did capture, especially me dancing with my shadow (more on that soon), really make me happy. there is a lesson here somewhere. always, always the lessons...
(all my week in the life photos, including additional notes, can be seen in this flickr set.)